Reading Comprehension and Academic Writing: Results of the research project
This book corresponds to volume 3 of the EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT collection. It gathers contributions from teachers and instructors who work at educational institutions from primary to higher education in Ecuador and the United States and who participate in or are supporters of the Cooperation Network for Scientific Research on Reading Comprehension and Academic and Creative Writing REDLEA.
The diverse topics presented to respond to the need to contribute to sustainable development processes from education. The contributions of the pedagogical innovations research group for sustainable development of the Eloy Alfaro Lay University of Manabí, Ecuador, and the brotherhood with the Kansas State University of the United States, for the execution of the Camino project are appreciated. This book contains sections that address academic reading and writing comprehension, socio-emotional education, inclusive education, and pedagogical innovations for sustainable development.
We hope this work will contribute to the training process of new generations of teachers with diverse, inclusive, and progressive views.
Jhonny Villafuerte-Holguín, Ph. D.
Teresa Jesús Zambrano Ortega, MSc.
Greta Climenhaga, MSc.
Eder A. Intriago-Palacios, PhD.
Wilman Xavier Ramirez Rodriguez, MSc.
Liz Castro
Heidy Lisbeth Villafuerte-Carreño
Verónica Chávez Zambrano, MSc.
Sandy Hormaza Villafuerte, M.M.T.
Arturo Rodríguez Zambrano, MSc.
Juan Carlos Demera Vera
Diana Katherine Moncayo Gómez, MSc.
Alanys Morán Espinoza
Erick Fernando Pacheco Delgado, MSc.
Gina Marisol Mendoza Romero, MSc.
Jimmy Daniel Cedeño Castro, MSc.
Tania Teresa Cedeño Castro, MSc.
Jackeline Rosalia Terranova Ruiz, PhD
Lucy Janeth López Bermeo, MSc.
Cielo Cecilia Cabrera García, MSc.
Denise Sofía Moreta Piedra, MSc.
Verónica Silvana Mora Farinango, MSc.
Julia Carofilis Villegas
Rossana Rengel Morales
Katherine Morales Cuadros
Descriptores: Teaching; communication technique; technical writing; Habit of reading; Investigation and development
Código Unesco: 58 Pedagogía
Clasificación Decimal Dewey/Cutter: V711/378.125
Páginas: 280
DOI: 10.26820/978-9942-602-77-0
ISBN: 978-9942-602-77-0